Play YOUR Way
Around the World

Play Your Way Around the World

Play YOUR Way Around the World

Disney 4 Parks Challenge

Conquer a World of magic at Walt Disney World in Florida.

The Challenge: Experience all 4 Disney Theme Parks in a single day or visit. Feel free to set your own parameters, but we define experiencing a park as doing each of the following at a minimum:

Braving a ride
Catching a show
Grabbing a treat (snack, drink, etc.)
Meeting a character

The Spoils: To mark your progress and commemorate your incredible feat, you will be suitably adorned with the 4 Parks Challenge Flip Medal – a magical keepsake like no other.

Why a medal? A bold pursuit demands a bold reward and all the attention that it brings.

Michael O.

CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! As passholders, my wife and I are always looking for new things to do at Disney. This FUN day fit the bill! 

Nicole Z.

We were short on time, but made the best of it with this cool challenge. Our kids LOVE LOVE LOVE the medal!

Tina A.

We cheated! We got these for the family because we were doing all 4 parks on our trip, BUT NOT IN 1 DAY. They are great souvenirs.



The interactive 4 Parks Challenge Flip Medal includes four magnetic attachments, each depicting a park icon (castle, sphere, tree, tower). Begin your challenge with all icons in dark mode. Flip each icon over after experiencing each park. When all icons are flipped to yellow, the Disney 4 Parks Challenge has been conquered!



The Disney 4 Parks Challenge is an adventure for both challengers and spectators alike. Each park visit should be shared online for those who bravely follow in your footsteps. Be sure to tag #Disney4ParksChallenge wherever you get social. 



Take your 4 Parks Challenge Flip Medal to new heights with the FILTAR app. Simply download and enter code “D4PC”. Then add a photo and choose your digital experience. With a touch of magic you can bring your medal to life in spectacular fashion. And the best part…you’re the star of the show in the surprise finale! Only on select devices.


Each order includes:
Premium 5-Piece Flip Medal
Mobile Magic Experiences

Add on a date-engraved lanyard hanger.

Engraved date lanyard hanger FREE with every medal!

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©2025 Disney Challenger Series
No affiliation with the Walt Disney Company